Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Subliminal messages are those messages behind of every text, word, in music, or even in an advertisement; there is a message behind all of those. we can't directly see those messages because it only appears briefly for just milliseconds. so that, we can't recognize it well. but, if we will focus on it, read it wisely, or just listen it carefully, I'm sure in that way we can see or hear it clearly the subliminal messages, because some of this message are really difficult to recognize. And mostly, all of those messages are quite perverted.

According to Merriam Webster; Subliminal stimuli (literally below threshold), contrary to supraliminal stimuli or "above threshold", are any sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception. A recent review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies shows that subliminal    stimuli activate specific regions of brain despite participants being unaware. Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed  and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volume or masked by other stimuli. A subliminal message is an affirmation or message either auditory or visual presented below the normal limits of human auditory or visual perception.The Subliminal signal might be inaudible to the conscious mind because it is below the conscious threshold of hearing, (but audible to the unconscious or deeper mind) or might be an image transmitted briefly and unperceived consciously and yet perceived unconsciously. While this definition assumes a difference between conscious and unconscious – this might be misleading in the understanding and use; it may be more true to suggest that the subliminal message (sound or image) is perceived by deeper parts of what is a single integrated mind. As I research, I just found out that there are 3 types of Subliminal Messages: First is, Sub-visual messages it means that visual cues that are flashed so quickly ( generally a few milliseconds) that people don't   perceive them. Second is , Sub-audible messages it is a low volume audio cues that are inserted into a louder audio source, such as music. And the last one is, Back-masking is an audio message that is recorded backwards, with the intention of playing it forward to disguise the reversed message. Regardless of type, subliminal messages often involve sexual cues. The reason? most of all people claim that associating a stimulus with sex can enhance the appeal of the overall content.

Subliminal messages are usually shown up in movies, some of it in music, and even in advertising. there are no more questions and it has fascinating concept. Unfortunately some of the examples that we saw are purely coincidental and not intentional.  But, most of all only people give meaning in anything if they're looking hard enough. But there are some cases that examples are not subliminal at all.

Do Subliminal Messages Work?
well, according to my research; some people say's YES and some of people also say's NO.
People who say's YES are the manufacturers, and also the people who say's NO are the scientists, researchers and psychologist. And some of the psychologist who relies heavily in scientific evidence on the effectiveness on both hypnosis and subliminal message creating changes. And I have to side with manufacturers of subliminal products who maintain with repeated exposure the small result found in research are increased to a significant result.
A stimulus can influence us subconsciously without being subliminal. If we can see or hear it even we don't consciously notice it.

Subliminal messages is to influence behavior for some people they must to do that behavior. for example; for me because I am interesting or thirsty rather for that subliminal messages, I need to go through this topic to know beyond, for me to go deeper and I want to learn more or see more subliminal messages  than I already know, because Yes I am still thirsty for that knowledge. Subliminal messages can't control our behavior but it can guide our decision.Subliminal messages can influence us to research more on it. It's because subliminal messages give us a curiosity to watch or search for more than we already saw. Because as we think of it, we watch movies, we usually listen for a new song, love  to drink or eat some foods. But we don't really know that there is a message on it that we don't notice yet, until I heard about this topic. I really feel interesting this one so that I choose this one to be my topic for my blogger and I never regret of choosing it because I saw, or watch a lot of subliminal message that I don't really  know that there is still.this is my first time to go deeper on this topic.

According to Philip Merikle, Department of Psychology, University of Waterioo.

 A subliminal message is a signal or designed to pass below (sub)the normal limits of perception. for example it might be inaudible to the conscious mind (but audible to the unconscious or deeper mind) or might be an image transmitted briefly and unperceived consciously and yet perceived unconsciously. This definition assumes a division between conscious and unconscious which may be misleading: it may be more true to suggest that the subliminal message ( sound or image) is perceived by deeper parts of what is a single integrated mind.In the everyday world, it has often been suggested that subliminal techniques are used in advertising and for propaganda purposes. the term subliminal message was popularized in a 1957 book entitled The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard. This book detailed a study of movie theaters that supposedly used subliminal commands to increase the sales of popcorn and Coca-Cola at their concession stands. however, the study was fabricated, as the author of the study James Vicary later admitted. In 1973 the book Subliminal Seduction claimed that subliminal techniques were in wide use in advertising. The book contributed to a general climate of fear with regard to Orwellian dangers ( of subliminal messaging ).